Thursday 18 August 2011

The #123

     I would like to get my hands of the person who said "It's not the destination it's the journey " and give them a good shake.  I take public transportation to work.  This morning the #123 pulled up and we all got on in an orderly fashion.  The bus driver got up and left.  He still had ten minutes before we had to leave so I was content to have a seat and read the paper.  The bus driver did not come back at his appointed departure time.  We all waited. Time went by and still no bus driver.  It was odd most people did not seem to notice.  It was only when the second departure time came and went that a mumble started.  But just when things were beginning to  get a little tense on the bus along came someone who started up the bus and we were away.  
I only bring this up because I have been getting the #123 for over 20 years.  It is a long commute to a job I love.  A job that makes the mind numbing commute worth while.   A job that is never dull, keeps the creativity flowing and where I have the freedom to let my imagination take flight.  A job that takes me and gives me a good shake every day.  A job where, okay, both the journey and the destination are wonderful.

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